Gefle Metal Festival

Gefle Metal Festival je metalový festival, který se koná ve městě Gävle (Švédsko).
V září 2023 festival oznámil, že ročník 2024 neproběhne a celá akce si tak dává přestávku na neurčito.
Viz oznámení z jejich Facebooku:
It has now been seven weeks since we met at Gefle Metal Festival. Since then, we have done lots of thinking and analysed extensively. Unfortunately, we have come to the decision that there will be no Gefle Metal Festival in 2024.
Gefle Metal Festival has never been about making any significant profits. It has been a festival driven by passion – because we truly love this. At the same time, the finances have to add up, and the truth is that – even though we are proud of each and every year of the Gefle Metal Festival – it has been challenging to make ends meet every year.
As you know, 2023 was a very special year. For a long time, neither you nor we knew if there would even be a festival. Then FKP Scorpio stepped in and ensured that this year's festival could still take place so that you could enjoy the festival you had already purchased tickets for. For that, we are grateful.
But as we look ahead, we see that we need to focus on other things. We have many great shows in the pipeline, and we want to be able to dedicate all of our energy to them. Therefore, we are putting Gefle Metal Festival on hold. There will be no festival in 2024. What the future holds after 2024, only time will tell.
We want to thank each and everyone of you. Your commitment and appreciation are what have driven us forward over these years. Although this is very sad news, we hope you understand the situation and our reasoning.
//Edward & Chris – founders of the Gefle Metal Festival